Scenic and moderate. Tracks accessing cactus areas and the trip on the rest day will be moderate. Arkaroola Station is 140 km east of Copley.At Arkaroola Tourist Village & vicinity for a 1 week working bee, culling, identifying, and recording Wheel cactus and Jumping Cholla infestation efforts. GPS mapping will be done to compare with previous attempts. The terrain is varied for driving, hiking & walking.
Convoy is 25 persons plus wait list. Leader: Michael Polacek
Accommodation can be in quarters with toilets & showers. There is room for camping and caravans or Off road trailers. The camping area is an open area along the creek. Your vehicle will need high clearance, low range and A/T tyres in good condition, an extra spare is a good option. It will be necessary to collect infected pads en route to Arkaroola. You will need to be self sufficient for food& water. Nights can be very cold.
Date & Time:
Thursday 08 May, 2025 at 3:00pm - Friday 16 May, 2025 at 11:00am
Free for Members to Join
Michael Polacek
25 people
This working bee is for 1 week of culling, identifying and recording jumping cholla cactus eradication efforts. There are some quarters with toilets and showers. Caravan, camper vans and tents can be easily accommodated as there is plenty of room. The station has some fantastic drives and a history to be explored.
Trip Rating:
