Club Contact

Toyota Landcruiser Club of Australia (S.A.) Incorporated
Association Registration Number: A3800
State of Registration: South Australia
Registration Date: 12/09/2002

Postal Address
The Secretary,
Toyota Landcruiser Club of Australia (S.A.) Inc.
PO Box 252, Kent Town, South Australia 5071

How can we help you?

Secretary and General Enquiries
Club's Public Officer, handles general enquiries, general club correspondence etc.
Send a general enquiry email to the Secretary

Welcoming Officer
Prospective members and visitors are welcome to attend our meetings. If you are planning on attending one of our meetings, feel free to contact the Welcoming Officer and let them know you will be attending. Look for the tables labelled New Members and a Welcoming officer will be around to greet you.
Send an email to the Welcoming Officer

Membership Officer
Advise this officer of change of address, postal, email. Manages membership applications and renewals, new member enquiries, badges and so on. Maintains the club's membership database.
Send an enquiry to the Membership Officer

Advertising, Publicity and Sponsorship
Maintains relations with our sponsors. Coordinates our attendance at events such as 4x4 shows. Contact us here for sponsorship enquiries.
Send an enquiry to Advertising

Social Coordinator
Social events are organised throughout the year, and generally do not involve 4WD'ing. They are organised and advertised well in advance at meetings and in the Newsletter. These have always proved successful and early bookings are recommended. If you are a prospective member interested in learning more, or have a social activity or event that may be of interest to the club, please get in contact with us.
Send an email to the Social Coordinator

Environmental Officer
The Club Environment Officer is available to provide assistance with details of Public Access Routes (PAR’s); to liaise with conservation and government bodies regarding environmental issues and to give general environmental advice. Contact us here if you have an environmental cause that may be of interest to the club.
Send an email to the Environmental Officer

Trips Coordinator
Trips are advertised at meetings and in the Newsletter. If you are interested in what kinds of trips the club does (check out our gallery), or are a member and wish to discuss anything relating to trips, feel free to email the trips coordinator.
Send an email to the Trips Coordinator

Four Wheel Drive SA Delegates
Send an email to our 4WD SA Delegates

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