Club Sponsors

Our Sponsors support us so please take the opportunity to support them.

Major Sponsor - Cornes Toyota

Major Sponsor - Cornes Toyota

46 Belair Road, Hawthorn 5062.
Tel: 8272 1488, Fax: 8278 1522.
Graham Cornes Motors Pty Ltd - LVD 3426

Cornes Toyota are our major sponsor. Our relationship with them has been very successful and both they and the Club aim to maintain this. Members, if you have any matters that concern or impress you in your dealings with our sponsor, please let our publicity officer know. (Send an email to Publicity).

If you are in the market for a new or used car please contact:
Ben Coleman - General Manager
Luke Varnas - Used Car Manager
Shane Stein - Fleet Car Consultant

Vehicles Sales

Cornes Toyota offer members special prices on New and Used vehicles.

New & Used Passenger Vehicles and Light Commercials vehicles
46 Belair Road, Hawthorn

Members are liable for all on-road costs and government taxes and/or charges.

The quoting of an up-front pricing structure naturally makes it easy for Cornes competitors to match or better their prices. Cornes would appreciate fairness and co-operation in this regard and if members are going to shop around, they should do so before going to Cornes.

Business Hours - Sales Division
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm

Service Department

46 Belair Road, Hawthorn

Labour rates are charged at the prevailing dealership's internal rate (ie what they charge their own departments).

Business Hours - Service Division
Monday - Friday 7:45am - 5:00pm

Parts Department

A special discount (not published here) off the list price.

Business Hours - Parts Department
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm


In regard to vehicle, service and parts purchases by members, the following conditions apply:-

  1. The member must produce their membership card.
  2. On arrival they must make themselves known to the Department Manager or the Dealer Principal.

Please note, all discount structures are subject to review and change in line with any changes of pricing policy by the manufacturer or government charges/taxes.

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